Iconoclastic:- your O.P starts with " The WORD"
Genesis" 1.1 " and in the beginning "The WORD" already existed"
So what is" The" WORD?
What is a "Right "WORD?
Do we have "good" WORDS and " bad " WORDS?
Can I read a persons "WORDS" then put them into sentences and paragraphs?
And if I can must I then search for deeper meaning in " The WORDS"?
I think language is my problem. I use it to talk about what is in the mind, but I also use language to express my heart. I hope both my heart and mind are sincere in expressing my truth, but to do so I use "WORDS" and so often fail.
This is why your post was like color to my eyes, a wonderful puzzle of "WORDS" to my heart and mind. But having read it a few times I haven't understood the convictions and ideals you have tried to express .Therefore looking forward to clarification in your next post that begins with " THE WORD"
The Rebel.